Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stoned Bootkit: Attack your Windows

Old news, but still VERY important. At the recently concluded BlackHat 2009 USA, the Stoned Bootkit was released by Peter Kleissner.

The Stoned Bootkit has full access to the system and is able to bypass any security check done by Windows. Why is this dangerous and useful at the sametime? Because- first, it has an open source architecture. Second, it loads into the computer memory before Windows does! Third, it can work on any platform - Windows XP and onwards. Fourth, it can attack the TrueCrypt full volume encryption. Now, ain’t that nasty? It sure is. Wait till you read some more about it. This is it’s feature list:
- attacks Windows XP, Sever 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 with one single master boot record
– attacks TrueCrypt full volume encryption
– has integrated FAT and NTFS drivers
– has an integrated structure for plugins and boot applications (for future development)
- is a Master Boot Record, with the target to be memory resident up to the Windows Kernel
- supports the IA32, AT Architecture (IBM-conforming)
- has rich API support
- supports the following boot methods: Floppy, Hard Disk, CD/DVD/Blu Ray, Network (PXE), USB flash drives, and others!

As it is said in the features list, it supports the plugin architecture. Since its architecture is open source, you can build as many plugins you want depending on your requirements. Here is a list of plugins that is pre-shipped with the Stoned BootKit:

  • User Interface

  • CO2-Plugin

  • PE Infector

  • File Parsers

  • HibernationFile Attack

  • PagefileInjector

  • Music Melody!

  • BootPassword Crack

  • AntiWPA

  • Persistent BIOSInfector

In addition to these plugins, it has the following softwares:

  • Forensic Lockdown Software (provides an interface for some operations like a boot menu, original MBR restoration and of course (experimental) locking/unlocking methods.)

  • Hibernation File Attack (uses the bootkit functions to open and modify the hibernation file and to compress and decompress the buffers using the xpress algorithm.)

  • Sinowal Loader (loads and executes the Sinowal kernel driver from the file system.)

If you want, you can also check how it works using QEmu, Bochs or VMWare! The Stoned Bootkit project name was actually inspired by the Stoned virus, the first MBR virus which can infect the Windows XP MBR too. The project itself is built upon the Hibernation File Attack, which was built by the author in the past. The only catch in its installation is that it will need an Administrators access to infect a Windows XP system and an Elevated Administrator access to infect a Windows Vista.

The author plans to add more functionality to the further versions by adding features like polymorphism and metamorphism. The target of Stoned is to be the most sophisticated and most widespread used bootkit in 2010!

You can download the Stoned Bootkit here and read more about it on its homepage here.

Monday, August 10, 2009

free web hosting...get your domain now.!!

Hi all,

I think this information can be useful for you. If you plan to get your website, here is one good free web hosting provider to choose -

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Online Earn -- Redeem Gifts

The site is called Lockerz!!

Log in and answer a daily question to get like, 10 points~
You can get gifts like games, clothing and they offer tickets to HUGE concerts.

The site launches publicly October 15th, so you can't sign up regularly, You must be invited!!

I got a few e-mail invites left to send out.

When you sign up you get a chance to play this game, where you move a basket around and catch falling points. I got 28 to start.Its too bad compare to others. be careful at first time get maximum in first try....!!

Stuff here is really cheap, Wii/360 games are like 35-50 points total. Wii's are 250 points, Macbooks are 1000 points, etc.

Leave your e-mail here, or PM me and i'll send you an invite!

online on yahoo messenger:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Photoshop White Color Problem

I recently Downloaded Adobe Photoshop CS3

while installing an error related to my Samsung LCD


me little confused coz i installed photoshop many times but never seen this monitor related problem as a user i click on Use Anyway...........

but while editing some pictures a strange problem didn't  get White color.

i checked all color setting even try R:255 G:255 B:255 still color was creamy / Yellow.

photo colour

but i mess with photoshop & get d white color yuppie...!!!
This Problem Due To Samsumg Drivers...if you have same problem Remove Samsung Driver

& then Do Reset Preferences in photoshop.

A lot of Photoshop problems can be fixed by dumping the preferences file: While launching Photoshop, Hold down Alt+Ctrl+shift on the PC or Cmd+Option+Shift on the mac. When asked to reset the preferences say yes.

After that if first message related to samsung monitor , wisely choose "Ignore Profile".
**Before you do this, save your custom Patterns, actions, styles, brushes, gradients, shapes and color pallettes. These will also be reset. Tip: You can create an action to do this, so you have a one click backup!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

India's lightest nano satellite 'Jugnu'

Kanpur: The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur has come in to agreement with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to launch a nano satellite. It will be the country's lightest and the institute's first satellite to be launched in the orbit from Sriharikota.

IIT Kanpur had presented the second design review to ISRO which nodded to launch the satellite.

"Though the memorandum of understanding between ISRO and IIT-K for the project was signed in February, regular review sessions are being carried out by ISRO to check the progress of the project," said Sanjay Govind Dhande, Director, IIT Kanpur.

"On Tuesday, our technical team working on the project apprised ISRO authorities of the release and antenna mechanism," he said.In April, the first review of Jugnu was carried out by ISRO.

Since last December, a team of 40 students and around 12 professors, led by Professor and Mechanical Engineering Department Head, Nalinaksh S Vyas have been working on the project.

"A similar project in any European country would have cost over Rs 10 crore but we expect the entire project to complete within a budget of Rs 2-3 crore, without compromising on quality. This is a welcome signal for indigenous remote sensing technologies," said Vyas.

A technical team led by D Madhav Murthy in the ISRO for Small Satellite, has said that the procedures for informing the ISRO officials for launch by a mother satellite has been provided, along with the details of the positioning of the satellite antenna set up in the institute premises.

Jugnu weighs around 3.5 kgs and would be 34 cm long and 10 cm wide. Equipped with the micro imaging and micro electronic system, it will transfer the images to the IIT Kanpur campus. The high resolution pictures obtained will be used for different applications like drought monitoring, wasteland management, urban planning and flood risk management.

"Although the stipulated life time of the satellite is six months, we are optimistic that it will complete at least 12 months in the orbit," said Dhandhe.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Google Bug

Ohh Google....!!

The spelling that I inputed and the correct spelling according to them was same, recursion. Yet they showed me an error!

google bug

GPRS settings

Manual Airtel Gprs Settings (FREE GPRS)
1. Homepage - any page you want to set.
2. User Name - Blank
3. Password - Blank
4. Proxy - Enabled/yes.
5. Proxy and Server Adress -
6. Proxy and Server Port - 8080
7. Data bearer - GPRS or Packet Data.
8. Access Point Name -
9. Authentication Type - Normal
10. Use preferred access point - No

Airtel live settings

1. Account Name - Airtel_live
2. Homepage -
3. Username - Blank
4. Password - Blank
5. Proxy - Enabled/yes
6. Proxy and Server Adress -
7. Accespoint Name -
8. Proxy and Server Port - 8080
9. Data bearer - GPRS/ Packet Data
10. Authentication Type - Normal


1. Account Name - idea_GPRS
2. Username - Blank
3. Password - Blank
4. Homepage -
5. Proxy and Server Port - 8080
6. Proxy and Server adress -
7. Databearer - GPRS / Packetdata
8. Acces Point Name - imis
9. Proxy - Enabled/yes
10. Authentication Type - Normal

Bsnl Gprs Settings

1. Account Name - BPL WAP
2. Username -
3. Password -
4. Proxy - Enabled/yes
5. Homepage -
6. Proxy and Server address -
7. Proxy and Server Port - 8080
8. Acces Point Name - mizone
9. Data bearer - GPRS/ Packetdata
10. Authentication Type - Normal